On August 21, 2018 the City of Fort Lauderdale officially awarded the Hensel Phelps | Cartaya & Associates | Weller Pools Design-Build Team the $27 million Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center Renovations.
The project will include demolition and new construction of all swimming pools to upgrade and meet international swimming and diving competition standards, new grandstand seating for spectators, new public restrooms and a new teaching pool. Attached to the International Swimming Hall of Fame, the complex is located on a pier which extends 600 feet over the Intercoastal Waterway. Design and preconstruction will begin immediately to fast-track the project for summer 2020 completion.
The Hensel Phelps | Cartaya & Associates | Weller Pools Design-Build Team are honored to be a part of restoring a rich part of Fort Lauderdale’s history.