The Hensel Phelps’ supplier diversity team presents, How to do Business with Hensel Phelps II:
A Five Phase Approach to Diverse Business Inclusion and Enhancement
Live, Virtual Webinar
Thursday, September 30, 2021
1:00 PM MST
During this special webinar, viewers will learn…
- How to meet and connect with Hensel Phelps
- Identify challenges and targeted action plans
- Contract completion support
Click Here to register for this upcoming event.
To receive your attendance login information, register no later than Wednesday, September 29, using the registration link above.
To learn more about Hensel Phelps small business programs or to speak to your local Hensel Phelps Supplier Diversity team member, we encourage you to contact one of our highly-trained and engaged experts below:

Brad Lewis
Corporate Director of Supplier Diversity

David Fisher
Manager of Supplier Diversity (Mid Atlantic)

Hannah Seely
Coordinator of Supplier Diversity (Plains)

James Harper
District Director of Supplier Diversity (Southeast)

Rosemary Middleton
Coordinator of Supplier Diversity (Western)

Michelle Keyser
Manager of Supplier Diversity (Southern California)